1) Waste Management Solutions
A) Waste Management Plans & DPR
- Waste Characterization
- Biodegradability of solid wastes
- Comparative assessment of available options for Waste Processing on the basis of technical, environmental & economical parameters
- Preparation of feasibility study reports for upcoming SWM projects
- Preparation of Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan for ULBs
- Preparation of Information, Education & Communication (IEC) Plan for SWM projects
- Review of solid waste disposal facilities which include environmental settings, life span of existing solid waste disposal sites including their conceptual closure plans.
B) Sanitary Landfill Site Services
- Study of site conditions
- Selection of Landfill sites
- Identification of life span of land fills
- Design of sanitary landfill facility as per norms of MSW Rules-2016
C) Independent Engineering Services for ISWM Projects on PPP Mode
- Independently review, monitor & approve activities associated with the design, construction, operation & maintenance of project facilities
- Certification of quantum of waste at transfer station and SLF site
- Review of Quality Assurance Plan/Implementation Plan/Drawings/ Operation & Maintenance Plan
- Review & approve material testing & mix design results
- Monitoring construction works in conformity with project requirements
- To facilitate Hand-back of project facilities.
D) Waste Remediation Plans & Supervision
- Bio-mining of existing old waste (Legacy Waste)
- Closure & Rehabilitation of Old Waste Dumps
- Bio-remediation of waste
- Selection of methods of treatment and disposal of Legacy waste.
2) Environmental & Social Consulting Division
- Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
- Environmental & Social Management Framework
- Biological study & Wild Life Conservation Plan
- Getting clearances from State Pollution Control Boards such as NOCs, Consent to Establish (CTE), Consent to Operate (CTO)
- Obtaining consents under Water Act, Air Act, Authorization for Hazardous Waste Storage
- Assistance during Public Hearings
3) Mining and Geological Services
- Preparation of Mining Plans / scheme
- Preparation of Progressive Mine Closer Plan (PMCP)
- Preparation of Mine Rehabilitation Plan (MRP)
- Geological studies of mineral deposits.
- Preparation of computer based deposit modeling.
- Replenishment Study of River Sand Deposits.
4) GIS-MIS & Multi-purpose Household Survey
- Conducting Multi-purpose Household Survey/Slum Survey & MIS
- Preparation of Geo-referenced Base Maps and Land Use Plans
- GIS Mapping & Preparation of GIS based Property Tax Management System along with GIS-MIS Data Integration.